Quiz: Biblical Characters
Both Hebrew and Christian Bible charactersBiblical Charactersaverage score 6/10, I got 9/10, one guess.
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Phew. I was going to be embarrassed to say that I only got 4 right, but looks like I'm in good company.
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You're in extremely good company, Patrick. I got 4 right, too. As a lapsed Jew, I figured I didn't do too badly.
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I'm guessing those here who are Jewish or from certain of the Protestant sects that are heavily Bible-focused/Old Testament in their religious education did better than those who are Roman Catholic or...
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I belong to a "modern" non-denominational church that focuses on the New Testament teachings, yet there is still a big push for us to read the entire Bible on our own, through a Bible study group, or...
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I'm Jewish, have never read the Christian Bible, though have read or seen bits here and there in pageants or programs.I've learned quite a bit about Christianity, well, Catholicism actually, through...
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Elaine, was I wrong in thinking you would be relatively more familiar with the characters in what Christians call the Old Testament and what that great authority, wikipedia, says is sometimes referred...
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I was kind of surprised I didn't do better. There was a time in my school years that I would have known most of those, but the cobwebs took over. I recently surprised myself when I could rattle off...
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Patrick, having read that, you might consider a field trip to see the Hill Cumorah pageant in Palmyra NY. It's an Event. (If you're lucky, maybe there'll be a presidential candidate there, too.)
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Oh dear, I guess I'm in the big 4 for 10 group here. My Sunday school days are so long ago.
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I even gave up guessing after reading 4 questions. Not the quiz for me!
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soccr, just for youQuiz: Symbols of the Saintsaverage score 6/10, I got 8. I'd read in one of my art books that the reason St Sebastian is shown so often in Renaissance paintings and sculpture is that...
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Heavens to St. Aldehyde the Lesser! I only knew one (St. Catherine) and guessed at the rest. 4 of 10. Some are truly grisly.
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6/10. When I didn't know, I based my decision on names I thought I'd heard of before. Sometimes it worked.
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Oh, dear. I must be a Very Bad Jew. I got 7/10 on the saints quiz. How do you figure that happened?
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Meesthare, maybe the question should be, what was the saint's last name before
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